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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let's Plays and More VHS Uploads

It's been awhile since I've updated this hasn't it? In October I recorded a Let's Play of Mega Man X. As irony may have it, Egoraptor uploaded his Mega Man Sequelitis video mere hours after I finished recording the last part to it. Since then I've mostly been Getting my other VHS walkthroughs uploaded. Since the last update I have Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Star Fox Adventures, Mario Kart Double Dash,and finished uploading Earthbound. That's right: I now have unlimited upload time on my account again. The original Super Smash Bros is my next VHS walkthrough. After that I may stop them for awhile. I have 3 left, but one is 7 tapes long and the others mare missing one tape each. It would take a month to get all the videos for one recorded, rendered, and uploaded. I do not have that kind of time now. My real world life has a lot of important things going on right now. I may do a small LP here and there, but I have no plans to undergo a large video project within the next few months. So until next time subscribe to my youtube and the WildGoombas if you already haven't and check below for all my recent work.

Let's Play Mega Man X

Mega Man 64: Buster Max on Hard Bosses


Star Fox 64

Super Mario 64

Star Fox Adventures

Mario Kart Double Dash